Saturday, 4 April 2009


This week I have been forced to reflect on human trafficking throughout the world. There are millions of people being traded.
For favors.
For goods.
For their innocence.

These people are now considered property.
They are owned.
They are maltreated.
They are abused.

What defines a human?
What defines property?

WHO in their right mind considers the two to be the same?
No one that's who.
No one, in their right mind, would think it is OK to own a human.

Girls from the ages of three and on are trafficked into the slave trade. Into the sex slave trade. Young girls are forced to have sex with men. Men. These same young girls are sometimes given meth and become addicted. These same young girls are sometimes locked in cages. They have absolutely no freedom and they are forced to work the rest of their lives in brothels.
I have seen the absurd amount of sexual images and pornographic things that are sent in young girls directions, here in the states. They are nothing compared to what these young girls overseas have to live with.

After watching Call+Response, we were able to have a question and answer session with Joel Day, someone who works with Call+Response.
One man stood up and asked about porn, and what exactly is being looked at when someone views it.
I had never thought about that before. These same young girls that are being trafficked are at times the ones in pornographic films and pictures. That is sick.

This industry is sick.
It is disgusting.
It is evil.
I can't even begin to express it.
The sex industry needs to be torn down. It needs to be destroyed.

We are all human.
There has only been one of us that was not.
He is the only one that can free these bonds.

WE MUST be a part of the resolution.
We must respond.

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